Download WinRAR for free


WinRAR is a trialware file archiver utility for Windows, developed by Eugene Roshal of win.rar GmbH. It can create and view archives in RAR or ZIP file formats, and unpack numerous archive file formats. To enable the user to test the integrity of archives, WinRAR embeds CRC32 or BLAKE2 checksums for each file in each archive. WinRAR supports creating encrypted, multi-part and self-extracting archives.

WinRAR is a Windows-only program. An Android application called "RAR for Android" is also available. Related programs include the command-line utilities "RAR" and "UNRAR" and versions for macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows CE, and MS-DOS.


Step 1: Run "winrar-x32-611.exe" or "winrar-x64-611.exe" file

Step 2: Select another installation folder by clicking on "Browse..." or leave it as default and click on "Install"

Step 3: Click "Toggle all" or not, it's up to you because it's not important, then click on "OK"

Step 4: Click "Done" to finish, support WinRAR if you like their products

Instructional video:


Step 1: Right click on a .rar game file, then click on "Extract here" or "Extract to..." ("Extract to..." will create a folder containing the extracted files, which is important in case the compressed files are not already placed in a folder)

Step 2: Wait for the decompression process to complete, you can hide it in the meantime by clicking "Background"

Step 3: That's all, you get the game folder now (In some cases, it is an installation file, don't forget to read the file "VKGAME.txt")

For single file:

For multiple files (split files/ parts):


From Dev: Visit
MediaFire: Broken link For 64bit Windows
1fichier: For 32bit Windows For 64bit Windows
pixeldrain: For 32bit Windows For 64bit Windows

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